
15 Minutes in the Garden

…well – that was the plan.

Just to clean up this one bed and pop in some seeds for fall. Pulled out the weeds quickly, but then I got to the basil. Oh dear, it had gone to seed while we were on vacation.

Couldn’t have that, so I pulled out my little stool and got busy pinching it off. Kind of like giving it a haircut, but the aroma was much better than hair tonic.

I started pinching off this plant the day we got home, but I was just too tired to finish it. Still, the little attention it received has it looking better than the one beside it.

My little garden stool belonged to my grandfather. He made it out of scrap wood and I remember him sitting on it pruning the tomatoes he grew along the side of his house. I think about him a lot when I’m using it in my own garden. The day I brought it home it looked like an old splintered stool, but I cleaned it up and put some paint on it. So glad I did! Recalling memories made the work today seem like 15 minutes, even though it was probably four times that long. The heat finally drove me inside, but the weeds are gone, the seeds got planted and my basil got a haircut.

Now I get to enjoy the fruits of my efforts and let the memories linger just a few moments longer while I cool off.

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