From a too short and unusable vanity desk to a cute stack of drawers. This week I added more storage to my studio. A project too long in the waiting. I love antiques and vintage, but I'm not a serious collector. I don't look for things with resale value, but rather the things that often… Continue reading “Up” Cycled Drawers
Category: Create Beauty
All Things…
This has been my life verse and it's been on my heart this week so - when inspired - Make Art!
Back to the drawing table!
Back in the day, graphic design was done on a drawing table. Oh how I long for those days once again. I've been experimenting with new web templates the past few weeks and I am pulling my hair out! Every template seems to have its own set of problems. I find a half dozen features… Continue reading Back to the drawing table!
Mini Watercolor Box
This is my first attempt at creating a mini watercolor box for art on the go. Thanks to Cathy Johnson and her Artist Journal Workshop group for the great inspiration! It is handy to have a contractor husband with scraps and tools available, but it doesn't take much to make these cute little boxes. I… Continue reading Mini Watercolor Box