Create Beauty

A Good Email Day

Sometimes it is just a good day to open your email. Sometimes a few random seconds of your day pay off. Today was one of those days.


I had just walked back in the door after having lunch with our daughter before she headed back to college. We had hugged good-bye in the restaurant parking lot and now it was back to school for her and refocusing on work for me.

I sat my keys down on the table and opened the email client on my phone. My junk address was, as usual, filled with ads and sale reminders. I mostly ignore them, but the JoAnn’s email caught my eye. Today Only! 25% OFF!

Really? My daughter and I had just spent some time there yesterday, picking up a few creative toys for our new year. Isn’t that the way it usually goes? You pick up a few things then bam – there’s a sale.

I started to hit delete, then looked at the email once more. I do have a new Mixed-Media class beginning next week. It could be worth the drive. Even if it is freezing outside and all I really wanted to do was sit down by the wood stove and start prepping for tomorrow’s classes. Okay, I talked me into it. 😉 Back into the coat and gloves and the still slightly warm car I went.

Since I was in the store yesterday I knew that a few things I wanted were on sale and this coupon included sale and clearance items. I have to admit that driving down the road I felt a bit suckered. A simple email had tempted me with Today Only and won out.

I continued to encourage myself with reminders that new classes were starting soon and I did just sign up for The Documented Life Planner again this year plus I was taking several online classes that I needed supplies for anyway, and on went my silent discussion with myself. I guess I was a bit skeptical about whether it would be worth the time and the drive. And yes, a bit worried that my will power would cave and I’d end up with things in my cart that were impulse buys.

art supplies

In the end it turned out to be a good email day. I was in and out of the store inside of 30 minutes, came home with 10 products that have been on my need/want list for some time and between my 50% off single item coupon and the 25% off total purchase coupon, the savings was worth the drive. Maybe not such a big deal to some, but days like this make it worth reading the junk mail and bring a happy heart to this creative soul.

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