So have you ever had one of those ingenious, thrifty ideas that suddenly turned into something not so thrifty and lingered forever because it just wasn’t as simple as all that?
Did you finish it? Do you remember how it felt to finally be DONE!
Well, there you have it. My ingenious, not so thrifty, new curtains.
It seemed like a fairly simple process at first. We moved, I liked my old sheers. Loved them actually, but I only had one set and our new room had two windows. I looked for a matching set, but they were no longer available.
Major Dilemma
Okay, silly to you – maybe – not so major, but I’m an artist and I like what I like and I love what I love – and I love these sheers! There was no way I was getting rid of them.
My ingenious idea was to find some matching fabric that I liked, cut the sheers apart and make them into curtains for two windows. Well, I found the fabric – had to drive to two stores to get enough of it – then turned out there were flaws in some of it so I had to get more.
Fabric finally in hand, I began cutting and sewing – then realized I wasn’t familiar with sewing such light weight fabrics. This required special needles and great care with the iron. Hems weren’t as easy as I was used to and the fabric was slipping and sliding and making my hair stand on end – literally – STATIC!
My great idea got tossed into a basket – for a full year – until now. Okay, so it wasn’t so thrifty, but I still think it’s pretty ingenious. I love my new curtains and I got to keep my pretty embroidered sheers.
So what have been some of your ingenious ideas? Thrifty or not?